Promoter Repair Cell Cream


Promoter Repair Cell Cream


This luxurious silky cream glides on so a little (pea size) goes a long way! It soaks deeply into the skin and with the very FIRST application skin is softer, clearer, more refined, and super hydrated! With continued use, skin just keeps getting healthier, more youthful looking!

The formula is unique from anything on the market! It contains PLLA + 4GF + Snail Mucus Filtrate + PGA of Plant Collagen. This means it is high-performance with multiple benefits and it enhances your Sculplla beauty regimen.

Skin Concerns: Anti-aging, Visible Signs of Aging, Visible Pores, Dehydration, Visible Lines & Wrinkles, Acne (mature skin & young skin), Brightening, Sagging, Scars, Redness & Sensitivity, Dark Spots and more…

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